Q – L I F E Q U I C K S U R V E Y
Name: ___________ Age: ____ Add: ______ e-add: ________ Contact #s : ______
Do you want the PHILIPPINES to be a BETTER, SAFER and more PEACEFUL place to live ?
A. As a Filipino do you believe that - (please answer Yes, No or Undecided)
1. POVERTY is a condition that CAN be changed and MUST be changed ?
2. Everyone deserves a decent or Quality Life including the POOR children and their
3. Quality Life can be achieved if one has a sense of RESPONSIBILITY
and accountability of the consequences of his / her action ?
4. If low income parents don’t want their children and their family to live in
extreme Poverty, they can opt to have only 2 or few children?
5. If the young adults now, don’t want a miserable family life in the future,
they can PLAN their life and delay their marriage/pregnancy until READY,
financially, emotionally, etc.
6. Every child must be born Wanted, well-planned, well-cared for and properly raised?
7. If a couple wants to plan their family, they have the option to decide what
Family Planning Methods?
8. Marriage and or pregnancy is supposed to be ONLY for people who are BOTH matured,
financially independent & RESPONSIBLE in bringing up children to be
productive,independent and law abiding?
9. Every matured individual has a personal RESPONSIBILITY to take care of oneself and
his/her family and NOT to be dependent nor BURDEN to parents and the
10. Even if we are law abiding citizens, we, or our families & friends can be
victimized or affected directly or indirectly with the bad elements of
our society, (usually as a result of Poverty &
Irresponsibility), do you think we have SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY to help our
If Yes, is your response to most of the questions, you are qualified
to be a Q-Life Advocate
B. Are you willing to help in *Advocating –
a. Poverty Reduction or minimizing or alleviating Poverty in our country ?
b. For a decent or Quality Life among our Poor children and their families?
c. . . . and be a Volunteer Q-LIFE ADVOCATE ?
* Advocacy can be done in many different ways, could be in your own small ways
at your own time, if you want to help in Advocating and needs an Orientation
on Q-LIFE, please contact::
PRO “QUALITY LIFE” Training & Dev’t, Inc. (Q-LIFE)
Advocating Poverty Reduction & Quality of Life for the Poor...
1-93 J. Osmeña Ext. Cebu City 6000 Philippines
Tel (063-32) 259 0989 Tel/Fax (063-32) 416 6084
e-add: proqualitylife@gmail.com