Some of these boys have been sniffing rugby (see those plastics they're holding) roaming the streets and begginh Do you think they will just be contented of rugby? and or begging?
Are they not supposed to be in school? Where are their parents? Cannot anymore attend to them? Do you think children deserve this kind of life? roaming around and sleeping along the sidewalk?
Where are the so called "pro-life" group? Is it enough to bring a LIFE into this world, regardless of what kind of life that will be? a miserable life? or a life in extreme poverty?
I believe Poverty is a situation that CAN and MUST be changed! Everyone deserves QualityLife including the poor... but every matured Adult( parents) including the Youth has to be RESPONSIBLE! With the current economic crisis we have to ECONOMICALLY PRODUCTIVE and LESS REPRODUCTIVE!
Parents must be RESPONSIBLE enough to have only the number of children they can afford to have and attend to! If Natural Family Planning Method is not applicable to them, they have other options of any of the Artificial or Non-Fertility Based Methods.
If the Reproductive Health Bill will be passed, Reproductive Health Services including RH Education will now be available and accessible to them.
As of now the so called "pro-life" group is only promoting the "NFP only" Method!
* the camera being used in the above photos, is low-end, inferior quality, couldn't take nice photos ...