So what’s the Catholic advice to Salve?
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Passion For Reason
So what’s the Catholic advice to Salve?
By: Raul C. PangalanganPhilippine Daily Inquirer
1:14 am | Friday, May 27th, 2011
WHEN THE anti-RH Catholic lobby insists that the poor buy their condoms with their
own money, they act like a modern-day Marie Antoinette to whom we now miss
attribute the infamous quote: “Let them eat cake.”
Yesterday’s Inquirer (“Salve’s life: A strong case for RH bill,” by Kristine Felisse
Mangunay) featured Salve Paa, a 37-year-old Filipina who lives in a resettlement
area in Valenzuela City, in a 32-square-meter space with an earthen floor that gets
wet when it rains and a latrine consisting of a hole in the ground.
She and her husband support their eight surviving children on a combined
monthly wage of P5,200. During their 27 years together, she has actually
given birth to 12 children but four have died, including Christian who died at 4,
Trisha who died at 7, and Sarah Fe who died at 10, all of infection by “pathogenic
microorganisms.” Angelito, age 3, is sickly and relies on blood transfusions at
the National Children’s Hospital. None of the kids finished
grade school. Ana Liza, who dropped out at Grade 6, has the highest educational
attainment. Aries and Albert, reached Grade 1 and Prep, respectively. Salve has
repeatedly asked the two older boys, Alvin and Albert, to live on their own but
—as a mother—has always taken them in each time they came back.
Had she known about family planning sooner, she would have chosen not to have
so many babies. And here’s the shocker. Salve is pregnant, her 13th pregnancy
and the 11th mouth to be fed on their measly budget.
And Salve is even lucky. It is a feat that her starved body has been sturdy
enough to withstand her 13th pregnancy.
I wonder: What would the anti-RH Catholic say to Salve? Would they preach
the dignity of life to someone who sleeps a few feet away from the stench of
an open latrine? Would they preach the sanctity of life to a mother, three of whose
kids died young and whose lives could have been saved by decent sanitation?
Would they preach family values to a loving mother who miraculously manages
to stretch her meager budget?
The RH bill need not solve poverty. All it must do is help mothers like Salve
plan the number and spacing of their children as a way to cope with poverty.
Anti-RH activists prescribe all those wonderful solutions to poverty - anti-corruption,
more foreign direct investments, more education, more spiritual blessings. I ask them:
In the meantime that your solutions haven’t worked, and surely it hasn’t been
for lack of trying, should we just leave the millions of Salves unprotected from
unwanted pregnancies —when there are cheap and simple alternatives?
Surely, the anti-RH advocates reply, there is an even cheaper, church-approved
option: the rhythm method that enables couples to have sex in such a way that they
deliberately avoid pregnancy. But I wonder: If sex without procreation using
rhythm is alright, why would Catholics object to sex without procreation
using condoms? Same thing really: coital pleasure without babies.
The only difference is that rhythm requires sacrifice during the fertile period.
But isn’t that attitude rather too medieval, like walking on one’s knees all the
way to the altar, or praying the Rosary with arms outstretched, or flagellating
oneself during Semana Santa? Why should the modern Catholic approach
sex as if it were a privilege to be earned through self-mortification and paid
for with pregnancy? Isn’t it enough that it be an expression of love within
the confines of the marital bedroom?
The clergy’s “Let them eat cake!” approach is strange, coming from a Church
founded on compassion for the poor. I am no Bible-thumping Catholic, but I
recall some biblical passages about those who were punished because they
had “pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor
and needy,” who “harden[ed their] heart [and] shut their hand from the poor,”
and of “the righteous who [were] concerned for the rights of the poor [and]
the wicked [who were] not.” Whatever happened to the
“preferential option for the poor”?
Why then all the Catholic passion against sexual passion? Because for the Filipino
clergy, the showdown over the RH bill is no less than a battle for the soul of
Filipino Catholicism. The battle is not against the infidels at the gate. It is against the
infidels within the gates, those modern Catholics who would not obey blindly, who
would think for themselves, who would step outside the temples to live the faith
in their daily lives and not just in holy rituals.
That should explain the hard-line, scorched earth strategy now waged by the
traditional clergy. One church official called RH champions “no better than
terrorists” and supporting the RH bill as “almost like becoming Judas.” One bishop
has issued a “Clarificatory Note” warning his flock: “Any Catholic who freely
identifies himself or herself [with Catholics for Reproductive Health]
gravely errs” and “endangers his own spiritual well-being.”
Someone should tell them that those who support the RH bill actually aim to
lessen the half a million abortions in the country each year, foster family
unity and enable parents to raise their kids in dignity and with love, and ensure
the moral upbringing and physical well-being of vulnerable children.
Deep-down, the serious traditional Catholic actually shares more dreams in
common with RH advocates. Conversely, if one looks at the array of anti-RH
politicians, I wonder if these guys have genuinely shunned contraceptives
in their private lives as piously as they now publicly proclaim. Politics indeed
makes strange bedfellows, and politics, and not faith, is what the anti-RH crusade is.
Surely there must be something in the Bible that condemns hypocrisy.