Monday, December 6, 2010
Science Technology and Society Blogs: Pro-Choice, Pro-QUALITY Life (Jannie Icban's Reaction to the RH Bill...)
Two groups of people known as the “pro-choice” and “pro-life” are taking the center stage in the news media on their argument whether the Reproductive Health bill should be passed or not.
It became a big issue as both groups had reached to the point of calling each other names like “Satan” and “Damaso”. According to the proponents of the bill or the pro-choice, this bill aims for responsible parenthood and freedom to choose the method of family planning to be used that would lead to a lower population growth rate in the Philippines. However, the opponents of the bill or the pro-life, consist mainly of the members of the Catholic Church, say that this bill would bring down morality by promoting pre-marital sex and by encouraging about-to-be mothers to kill their unborn child.
If the case is like what the pro-life says, then I also oppose the bill. However, as I read and analyze the contents of this proposed law, I don’t think this bill would be what they claim to be immoral. It does not promote pre-marital sex among teenagers because of its proposed sex education in school.
Rather, it aims to EDUCATE teenagers on reproductive health, the consequences of having sex and the different ways of family planning, to guide them towards becoming responsible parents someday. I think that the claims of the church are somewhat misleading people to think that this bill is into “allowing everyone to have sex as long as it is safe”.
I believe that there is a link between the Philippines’ rapid growth rate and poverty. A lot of Filipino families are suffering from poverty because they give birth to more than they could feed. Its roots come from poor family planning. As the government seeks to educate people on family planning through this bill, I think more Filipino couples will become smart and responsible parents. It is by planning the number of children that you can care for to bring into the world can we experience a better quality of life.
Also, I think that this is actually a “pro-informed choice bill”. “Informed” in such a way that people will be taught of everything that concerns their reproductive health, like responsible parenthood, STDs, modes of family planning and government support to reproductive health. People are fed with several information, which they could use to make smart “choices” for their future.
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Separation of Church and State |
However, I think that the church should leave this issue to the state. This may be a country with majority of Catholics in it, but there are also non-believers who need support by the government in protecting themselves from STDs and unwanted pregnancies. I also believe that we should not force them to follow our customs and beliefs.
The state is a neutral body in this issue. It does not support any way of family planning but rather make every way available for people to choose from. The church, instead of meddling with the matters of the state regarding this bill, should focus on teaching its believers on what is right and wrong.
If the non-believers choose other methods of family planning aside from the natural methods, then the church should respect that. People have the freedom to choose. For me, religion is a matter of belief and it should not be forced to everyone.
I am a pro-choice and I am pro-quality life!!
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