Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Abortion is NOT a Contraception!

Re: RH Bill

(my comments are based on my readings at http://www.filipinovoices.com/ps-to-hb-5043-%e2%80%93-reproductive-health-bill)

"Shotgun approach has been the design of HB 5043 – it will kill all birds that took flight – adults, adolescents, children – without distinction."
(nielsky_2003@yahoo.com or text to: 09164985265)

I dis-agree! i am against abortion but abortion is not a contraception! i believe parents also has to be RESPONSIBLE, to have only the number of children they can afford to attend to and provide for their needs, so they will have a descent and QUALITY LIFE. Parents should have the option to choose whatever FP methods that is safe and EFFECTIVE for them,because failed FP Method could mean unwanted pregnancy and usually the reason why women would resort to abortion.

Upper Class couples could easilly access to RH/FP Services. Low, to no-definite income families should also have access and be made available to them RH/FP Education & other programs & services by the gov't. so to prevent unwanted pregnancies that will result to abortion.

"It sounds crazy for the bill to claim that women seeking care from post-abortion complications shall be treated and consoled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner without being guilty of doing abortion in the unseen process. This kind of intended access opens the door wide to a lot of other possibilities in need of reproductive health care attention, not to be excluded, would be abortion itself at its initial stage. To give people the freedom to decide, if, when and how often to have a satisfying and safe sex life, as claimed, tears at the very moral fabric of our social existence." (nielsky_2003@yahoo.com or text to: 09164985265)

Prevention of Abortion & Management of Post-Abortion Complication (PMAC)is often mis-understood!

I was able to attend a 5day seminar on PMAC together with other catholic participants. it has a lot of education/counseling component from the moment the woman-patient comes in, bleeding,to the ER,to other dept.till she goes out of the hospital.

The objective really is for the woman to have adequate information on how to PREVENT another unwanted pregnancy by using safe and effective FP Methods natural or artificial, because many of those who had abortions ARE NOT USING any FP method or contraception or FAILED method or

VICTIMS/Survivors of abusive/violent husbands or partners! we really don't know the circumstances, therefore it is not good to pre-judged them...

Reality is! (even if Abortion is not an easy thing to do) there are many women who are into Abortion, not just first-time abortion but REPEATED Abortion! studies will show that majority are married women!

Thus, i believe (as a Catholic and a Medical Social Worker ) the objective of PMAC is to avoid not only first time abortion but also REPEATED ABORTION! (for more personal discussion on the matter you may contact the undersigned)

Frohnie D. Cagalitan
Catholic 4 Reproductive Health - Cebu (C4RH-Cebu)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Birth Control" Pills cause early Abortions

By J.T. Finn (updated April 23, 2005)

Physicians across America -- and around the world -- are now confirming that the Pill, IUDs, Depo-Provera and Norplant cause early abortions.

First, a look at the Pill. Research shows that in many cases the Pill causes early abortions -- abortions the mother may not even know she's having. You may find this shocking, but the facts are clear after reading Randy Alcorn's book, titled;

"Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?"

Here's what 11 physicians and medical professionals are saying about the book Randy Alcorn published in 1998: