Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Our Vision:  

        “ QUALITY LIFE”  for  the POOR   Filipino children   and   their  families

Our Mission:   

Providing education/training and other opportunities to poor  parents and the would-be-  
parents for them to be personally accountable, socially RESPONSIBLE, Economically Productive  and Less Reproductive;

Our Guiding Principles:

 We strongly believe and would like people  to   recognize and act  upon the belief that:

A.      The POOR  children and their families  can have  a decent and  *Quality  Life.

B.     Poverty is a condition that  can  be changed! The low income parents can have  control over  their economic situation,  by choosing  to have   2  or  few  children. The Youth can PLAN their life  and delay marriage/pregnancy  if not ready  for the parental tasks and responsibilities.
C.     Every child must be born Wanted, well-planned, well-cared for and properly guided; they don’t deserved to be unattended, neglected, abandoned nor  exploited.

E.      Marriage and/or pregnancy is supposed to be - ONLY for people who are BOTH
        matured, financially independent and 
       RESPONSIBLE  in bringing up children to be
       productive and law abiding.

F.      Every matured individual has a personal RESPONSIBILITY to take care of oneself  and
       his/her family,  NOT to be dependent on thegovernment nor BURDEN to parents and the
      SOCIETY. It’s a shared responsibility.

G.     Each and every Filipino, particularly the  Educators, Professionals,Companies etc. have SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY to do something with the problems in our society. Even the rich and or law abiding citizens or their families & friends can be  victimized or affected  directly or indirectly  with the bad elements of our  society.

Our Programs & Services 

     Q-life fulfill its mission through Advocacy and  the delivery of educational and developmental  programs and services in coordination and  collaboration with  GOs/NGOs/CBOs/Pos, and not limited to the ff:

1. Parent/Family QL Development    -

Trainings /Seminars/ Focused Group Discussions  and other related activities in attaining Q Life; Preventive Health Care, Responsible Parenting, Reproductive Health, Family Planning Education, (Modern Natural FP and  Artificial FP  inc. NSV); Managing Family Relationship ; Budgeting  & Financial Mgt., Livelihood and Entrepreneurial Skills Dev’t.; Dealing with Teen-age Children; Coping with Life’s Stress, etc

2. Children /Youth  QL Development     -

 Seminars/Workshops,Symposiums, Lectures / Lecturettes,Focused Group Discusions, Informal Discussions, Individual & Group, Counseling, Trialogue,  Series of  Trainings  on various          topics on Life Planning, Responsible Adulthood, Adolescent RH,Leadership Training, Peer  Education and Counseling, Fertility Awareness, Comprehensive Sexuality Education,Entrepreneurship/Livelihood Skills Dev’t, and other needed  trainings

 3. Community QL Development  -
  Organization of  Q Life Advocates; “Atong Pamilya,  Atong Komunidad, aduna Kitay Responsibilidad “ Program, Search for Model Responsible  Parents, Youth, etc. QL Planning SK Officers and the Brgy. Officials,Environment Friendly  Initiatives, etc.

4. Special Assistance  Program  - 

  Medical / Hospitalization Assistance, Educational Assistance, Scholarships,Livelihood Assistance, etc.

  *     This program is specially created and can be availed only by Responsible and Qualified  Q-Life  members only, depending on the availability of funds

 **  pls. refer to the Criteria for the Special Assistance

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